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Intermediate Yoga and the Chakras with Kathleen Hinge

Join Kathleen on Saturday mornings, starting January 15, for a yoga practice designed to explore a different chakra each week.

Learn simple yoga practices that can be done at home to stimulate particular energy centers in the body (chakras). Using postures, hand symbols (mudras) and breath techniques, you can send energy to where you need it most! Bring a journal to record your insights.

  • The in-person and online class will be held in the chapel. It is well ventilated with windows and fans.

  • In-person classes are currently limited to 8 attendees.

  • Class will be broadcasted via Zoom, but in-person attendees will not be shown on camera during class.

  • Please note! You must register in advance whether you attend in-person or online.

Kathleen Conlon Hinge was the founding director of Yoga Shivaya in Tarrytown, NY for 13 years. She is a 500 hr Certified Yoga Teacher, a Reiki Master and a college professor. She has a PH.D in Mechanical Engineering. Kathleen Hinge teaches yoga with the philosophy that growth and flexibility happen only with compassionate acceptance of our bodies as they are. What’s more, by practicing compassion for ourselves, our hearts naturally open to greater compassion for others, bringing healing and peace into the world.

Her teaching features detailed instruction in safe alignment, informed by kindness and good humor.

FINAL CLASS: A 7-week series, in-person or on Zoom (come to one or all)
Saturdays, 9:15am – 10:30am

• Feb 26, 6th-7th Chakras Divine Essence


If you’d like to join us in-person, please read and follow our safety protocols.

All in-person attendees must be fully vaccinated.

You must sign a new waiver when you register, attesting to vaccination and pledging to NOT attend if feeling unwell or if you have experienced any exposure to someone with Covid 19.

You will be greeted at the church door by our volunteer. Wear masks when entering, walking in the halls or using the designated bathroom. You may remove masks when you have entered the chapel.

Please be on time for the in-person classes! The church front doors will be locked once class starts.

Please bring your own yoga mat, props and water. The kitchen is not available. You may use extra mats and props from the studio, and if you do use, you will be responsible for sanitizing them before returning them to the cupboard at the end of class.

Sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer are available in the yoga room, hallway and designated bathroom.

We will need at least two volunteers during each class: one to meet students at the door of the building for check in, and one to sanitize at the end of class (bathroom and class area). As a reminder, we are a volunteer-run, not-for-profit community, and your willingness to step in and volunteer can make a difference and is most appreciated.